Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Prelim reflection

1. How did you plan your sequence?
To plan my sequence i created a google slides where i effectively mapped out each stage, i did this to ensure i had a clear image in my mind of how i wanted everything to look but also to make sure that i knew what i was doing each day so that the intended deadline was met. On the first slide i gave a brief discussion of the song choice, why i selected the music video etc, this then lead onto the second slide where i created a timeline showing how i was to approach each day. I also created other slides that explained/showed costume, setting and videos.

2. What technology did you use to complete the task?
Due to the current circumstances that the world are in at the moment we had to use our phones to record the prelim tasks however, i was lucky enough to be able to come into school late June where i had the opportunity to edit my video through Adobe Premiere.

3. What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
During the planning stage i had to have my sister learn the dance choreography that is presented in the music video therefore, we had to allow practice time for this to happen before we cold begin shooting as we had to be confident that she was able to master the routine. Another factor that we had to take into account was the costume choice as we had to purchase a wig from amazon meaning that we also had to consider the time it would take for the costume to arrive. Once the choreography was learnt we also had to take time to practice the dancing in the location of filming, this didn't have to be completed in the full costume but it was vital that we undertook this step so that we got an idea of spacing and camera angles etc.

4. How successful was your video/magazine/tv/doc copy? Identify what worked well and with hindsight, what would you improve?
Personally i am pleased with the outcome of my music video, we tried our best to get similar locations and my sister did an excellent job featuring in the video. I am most proud of our ability to copy the costume choice and also some of the shots look very similar to those in the original video. However, to improve i am going to consider the effects of lighting as i found that at certain points the lighting impacted the videos so that when it came to editing at a later stage i was unable to choose the effect that i wanted on the basis of it being too light! Lighting is crcuail for making or breaking a video therefore, its vital that for the final piece i really take this factor into consideration so that i create the best possible outcome.

5. What have you learnt from completing this task?

I have learnt that a plan is crucial for ensuring that i am aware of what is needed to be completed therefore, when completing the final NEA production i am going to make sure that i have evidence of a detailed plan so that you can visually comprehend with what my intentions are. 

6) What areas of NEA production are your strengths and weaknesses ? What will you practise over the summer to improve?

7) What have you learnt that you will be able to take with you for your NEA planning and production?

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Halfway evaluation